We will:
- Welcome you and your pillion to join in on any of the club rides, events and activities.
- Send you a membership card and a welcome pack
- Add your details to the club’s database
- Give your name and email address to the club’s broadcaster so that you will receive club notices and newsletters
- Provide you with the special code which provides you with the benefits of the club’s affiliation to the British Motorcycle Federation (BMF) – We do not provide BMF with your personal details for this.
- Help you to organise your own ride out, should you wish to do so.
- Allow you to invite a guest touring bike rider for up to 2 club rides
As a member of the club we will keep you informed by email:
- about the details of each monthly ride
- about future events such as weekend tours, longer tours at home or abroad, social events, club presence at other events (such as Durham Police Bikewise)
- about any club meetings
- about the key points of the quarterly committee meetings
- to invite you to renew your membership on the anniversary of joining, and issue reminder emails if necessary.
- about the publication of any club magazine, or newsletter.
Your personal information will be shared with:
- members of the committee who need the information in order to carry out their duties. Typically these will be the Chair, the Membership Secretary, the Treasurer, the Broadcaster and the Secretary.
- other club members – your email address may be shared within the club in order to organise and discuss events and to share notes, photographs. Your phone number may be shared with club members in some circumstances – eg with a ride leader in urgent last minute changes of plan such as ride cancellations due to weather.
- the club ‘printer’. Currently a club member who prints the membership cards. He is provided with your first name (and the first name of your pillion) and your membership number.
- IT support. Currently, this is provided by a member of the club who was once the club treasurer and who remains a club member. In order to provide the IT support, he has full access to the database and website and works closely with the membership secretary, the treasurer, the chair, the broadcaster and the secretary
We may
- contact you by post or by phone if we think that our emails are not getting through and we have received no communication by email
We Will Not
- Share your details with anyone outside the club. However, see the information about general email security in the ‘Data Privacy’ link.
You will need to
- Let us know if you suspect that you are not receiving e-mails.
- Let us know if you change your e-mail address
- Let us know if you change any other information that you provided when you joined
- Make sure that you have read and understand the Club Rules. Sorry, but we have to have them.
- Read the document on ‘The Way We Ride’ and agree to follow its guidance