Club Constitution & Rules


  1. The club shall be called NPR Club and shall have for its main objectives the promotion of the enjoyment of the ownership of the Honda ST1100 & ST1300 Pan European Motorcycle and such other objectives the club shall determine in general meeting.
  2. The club shall organise tours, excursions, ride-outs, motorcycle rallies, social events and competitions for its members.
  3. The club shall essentially be an “owners club” and shall be conducted independently of any personal financial interest.
  4. In furtherance of its objectives, but not otherwise, the club may:-
  • Collect and disseminate information on all matters affecting the objectives and, as may be determined in general meeting of the club, exchange such information with other bodies having similar objectives.
  • Procure to be written and print, publish, issue, circulate, either gratuitously or otherwise, such papers books, periodicals, pamphlets, or other documents, photographic images, films, videos, recorded tapes, compact disks, emails, internet web sites as shall further the objectives of the club.
  • Purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any property and rights necessary for the furtherance of the objectives of the club.
  • Make regulations and inventory for any property, which may be so acquired.
  • Subject to such consents as may be required by law, sell, let, mortgage, dispose of or turn to account all or any of the property of the club.
  • Raise funds and invite and receive contributions from any person or persons whatsoever by way of subscriptions and otherwise, provided that they are for the Club’s primary objectives.
  • Receive money on deposit or loan, or borrow or raise money in such manner as the club shall see fit, subject to such consents as may be required by law.
  • Invest the monies of the club not immediately required for the said objectives in or upon such investments, securities, or property as may be thought fit subject to such conditions (if any) as may for the time being be imposed or required by law.
  • Affiliate the club to the British Motorcycle Federation or other suitable motorcycle organisation.
  • Effect insurance cover against all relevant liabilities.
  • Do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the attainment of the objectives and as may be determined in general meeting of the club.
  1. The club shall be governed by a Committee consisting of a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, the Officers of the Club, and a minimum of 4 Committee Members, elected from time to time by Special or Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club. They shall be known as the Officers and Committee Members. The quorum of a Committee meeting shall be a minimum of 4 and include at least 1 Officer.
  2. The Chairman & Committee Members shall serve for a term of 1 year and shall have the right to submit themselves for re-election at the AGM. The treasurer shall serve for a term of 3 years and will have the right to stand for re-election at the AGM at the end of the term. The secretary shall serve for an initial term of 2 years and will have the right to stand for re-election at the AGM at the end of the term. After the initial 2 year term, the secretary shall serve for a term of 3 years and will have the right to stand for re-election at the AGM at the end of the term. In the event of a vacancy occurring amongst the Officers or Committee Members, the Committee shall invite nominations from Members to fill the vacancy and, in the event that more nominations than vacancies are received, the Committee shall cause a ballot of Full Members to be held.
  3. At the AGM, all members have the right to stand for election to the Committee.
  4. The AGM shall be held at a venue and at a time to be decided by the Committee giving 7 days prior notice by Email to the members. Special Meetings may be convened by direction of the committee or on request of at least one fifth of the Members and by the same notice as the aforesaid.
  5. At the AGM the Treasurer shall submit a report and balance sheet of the Club’s financial position, which must gain the approval of the meeting.
  6. When finalized the Treasurer shall submit the annual accounts for independent scrutiny for certification that they are a true and accurate record
  7. At Committee meetings the Treasurer shall provide an up to date report of the Club’s financial position for scrutiny and endorsement.
  8. In the event of the disbandment of the Club its assets will be liquidated and the monies accrued will be donated to the air ambulance service.
  9. All Members, except serving Committee Members and Honorary Members, shall pay an annual subscription as may be determined by the Committee.
  10. All persons wishing to be Members of the Club bind themselves to abide by the Constitution and Rules of the Club.
  11. At Committee, AGM and Special Meetings a majority of votes decides a resolution, the Chairman having a casting vote in the case of even voting.
  12. Members who lead any tour excursions, ride outs or motorcycle rallies for members shall be known as the Leader, in accordance with the rules and guidance prescribed by the Club from time to time for that purpose. Members and their guests who join such activities are responsible for their own safety and that of their pillion.
  13. The Club accepts no liability for injury, loss or damage to any person or property, however caused.
  14. If and when necessary, 4 trustees of the club shall be appointed at a Special Meeting or AGM, and in whom any asset of the club shall vest. Any trustees so appointed will be indemnified by the Club against any liabilities duly incurred by them on behalf of the Club.
  15. There shall be 4 classes of membership:
  • To qualify for Full Membership, candidates must own a Honda ST1100 or ST1300 Pan European Motorcycle Trike conversion or Sidecar combination outfit. When accepted for membership, they and their nominated partner (if applicable) shall become Full Members.
  • Full Members have the right to:
  • Vote at all meetings of the Club other than Committee meetings, unless they are an Officer or Committee Member.
  • Serve on the Committee as an officer or committee member.
  • Attend all tours, excursions, ride outs, motorcycle rallies, social events and competitions for Club members.
  • Bring a Guest to all tours, excursions, ride outs, motorcycle rallies on their motorcycle, provided that such Guests agree to abide by the rules of the Club for such events. Each guest may be invited to a Club activity on two occasions only, after which their continued eligibility to participate would be dependent on their applying for and being accepted for the appropriate category of membership.
  • Members shall be responsible for the conduct of their Guest.
  • May purchase all Club regalia and merchandise.


  • The owners of non-Pan European motorcycles, Trike conversion or Sidecar combination outfit, may apply to the Club to become Associate Members. All applications will be scrutinized by the Committee to ensure the applicant and their motorcycles are compatible with the aims and objectives of the Club. The decision of the Committee to accept or reject the application will be final. When accepted for membership, they and their nominated partner (if applicable) shall become associate Members.
  • If a Full Member ceases to own a Honda ST1100 or ST1300 Pan European, he or she and their nominated partner (if applicable) will automatically qualify for Associate Membership.
  • Associate Members have the right to:
  • Vote at all meetings of the Club other than Committee meetings, unless they are an Officer or Committee Member.
  • Serve on the Committee as an officer or committee member.
  • Attend all tours, excursions, ride outs, motorcycle rallies, social events and competitions for Club members.
  • Bring a Guest to all tours, excursions, ride outs, motorcycle rallies on their motorcycle, provided that such Guests agree to abide by the rules of the Club for such events. Each guest may be invited to a Club activity on two occasions only, after which their continued eligibility to participate would be dependent on their applying for and being accepted for the appropriate category of membership.
  • Members shall be responsible for the conduct of their Guest.
  • May purchase all Club regalia and merchandise.


  • A member who would like to remain as a member of the club, but no longer rides, may apply to become a Non-Riding Member.
  • A Non Riding Member will pay a discounted rate.
  • The status of each Non-Riding Member will be assessed annually.


  • A member who has made an ‘exceptional’ contribution to the club or society in general which reflects favorably upon the club, may be elected by the Committee to become an Honorary Member.
  • An Honorary Member will have free membership.
  • The status of each Honorary Member will be assessed annually
  1. The committee reserves the right not to accept any applications for membership and all renewals will be at the discretion of the committee.
  2. Annually Club Members will be invited to renew their membership in the month which they joined. If a Member does not respond to the renewal notification, after 1 month the Membership Secretary will send a reminder. If there is no response to this reminder, the Member’s record will be deleted in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
  3. Members hold themselves bound in all cases of dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation of the Constitution & Club Rules and to accept the decision of the Committee as final and binding, The decision of the Committee will take immediate effect, provided that any Member aggrieved by the decision of the Committee may refer the matter to the next AGM or Special Meeting for review.
  4. In the event of a Member conducting himself/herself in a manner likely to bring discredit to the Club, he/she will be invited to attend a Committee meeting to determine whether a cause for expulsion exists. He or she is entitled to bring a representative with them to that meeting. Failing a satisfactory explanation he/she will be expelled or cautioned. No Member shall be cautioned or expelled other than by a resolution of more than two thirds of the Officers and Committee members present at the meeting. The resolution of the Committee will take immediate effect. However the Member may appeal for the resolution to be reviewed by the next AGM or Special Meeting. If the appeal should be successful the Member shall be reinstated without remedy for such disciplinary action.
  5. At the AGM or Special Meeting the Committee shall be empowered to recommend such modifications to the Constitution and Rules which it considers to be of interest to the members of the Club. Any member may also submit a motion to the AGM or Special Meeting to amend the Constitution and Rules, provided that the motion is submitted in writing to the Secretary ten days prior to the meeting and is seconded by at least 1 other member.
  6. Every Club Member upon joining will be notified in writing that the Constitution and Rules of the Club are available on-line on the Club’s web site. Members will be notified in writing or by E-mail following any amendment to Constitution and Rules of the Club. Any Member may request a copy of the Constitution and Rules of the Club from the Secretary at any time upon the submission of an S. A. E. Envelope.
  7. If any Member desires any matter to be discussed at any Club meeting, the text of the matter, shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary ten days prior to the meeting in order that it may be included in the agenda for the meeting, provided that the Chairman may at his/her discretion accept matters for discussion at the meeting under Any Other Business.
  8. The Club may at the discretion of the Committee affiliate to other Clubs and Organizations whose purposes support and are complimentary to the primary objectives of the Club.

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